These case studies represent specific projects as well as the depth and breadth of my research skills and strategy experience. Most of the case studies involved collaboration with cross-functional teams, use my approach to human-centered research, identifying insights, creating the strategy, developing the prototyping, testing, learning, and iterating to the product-market fit. I also included studies that were conducted to understand specific circumstances and test theories of behavior and need. I worked together with well-known business brands across many industries and consumer types. I am brought on board as a consultant helping entrepreneurs and startups understand their marketplace and consumers.
- Living in the Time of COVID
- Living in the Time of COVID is a research study conducted in collaboration with Sharon Lewis. Sharon and I collected completed surveys through each of our social networks. The findings from this research are directional. The pandemic created an unprecedented situation. Most of us have never experienced this kind of traumatic condition. Sharon and I wanted to document the attitudes and behaviors of our community. Click to read the full case study.
- Digital Banking: Post COVID-19
- Society has been transformed by the Covid 19 pandemic and the ensuing restrictions on behavior. Every aspect of our lives has been altered in fundamental ways that would have been unthinkable a year ago. Click to read the full case study.
- The Future is 2030
- As marketers and technologists, we aim to solve pain points and needs with technology. But often missing is the understanding of human needs through the lens of mindsets and life stages so that solutions for current and future technologies are justified and new opportunities discovered. Understanding human needs are necessary to the equation for solving today’s problems and pondering future opportunities. Click to read the full case study.
- Experiential Focus Group
- The traditional focus group does not help gather immediate understandings of the customer/consumer’s brand behavior with products or services. I designed the experiential focus group (EFG) to collect in-the-moment observations, obtain feedback on products or prototypes, and identify gaps in the product design and brand communication. Click to read the full case study.
- Reimaging Health Management
- There are many advances in Cystic Fibrosis (CF), but a person born with this life-threatening disease, will have challenges throughout life. The insights uncovered through contextual research provided an empathic perspective of the challenges the person with CF encounters on a daily, even hourly basis. Instead of having the disease manage the life of the person, the person is empowered to manage the disease and taking control of his/her life. Click to read the full case study.
- Eldercare
- We are in a world where we are living longer, in a time where there’s so much technology, but elder caregiving is an area that needs rethinking. Click to read the full case study.
- Inspiring the Next Generation of Bank Customers
- Millennials Have No Shortage of Words When Asked to Express Their Opinions About the Bank Of 2035. Their Opinions Foreshadow the Future of Banking. Click to read the full case study.
- In-Store Experience
- Retailers wonder how to incorporate the ever-changing omnichannel and added extra credit card processing security; they will also need to think about the Internet of Things [IOT] and how it fits into the retail experience and marketing budget. Click to read the full case study.
- Designing for Personal Safety
- Personal safety is a constant concern, especially with women. Designing a personal safety device is complicated. Click to read the full case study.
- Transforming the Grocery Shopping Experience
- The consumer is overwhelmed with their busy lives; the grocery shopping task often takes time and planning. Click to read the full case study.
- Simplifying the Options Trading Platform
- Time equals money for options traders, but all options traders are not equal in their experience. The design objective of the first iteration of the virtual options trading platform was to support the professional trader. Click to read the full case study.